ERIH PLUS minimum Criteria

ERIH PLUS evaluation criteria
When we receive a submission we evaluate the journal from several criteria:
ERIH PLUS minimum Criteria
Only scientific periodicals/journals may be included in ERIH PLUS. Books, monographic series and conference proceedings are currently not included in ERIH PLUS. Please note that according to the ERIH PLUS approval procedures, a journal’s authorship is evaluated by reviewing the issues published during the last two years (see points 5 and 6 below). Therefore, to be approved in ERIH PLUS, a journal must have a publication history of at least two years. This is a minimum criterion.
Journals must meet the following minimum requirements:
ERIH PLUS requires an explicit description of the journal’s procedures for external/independent peer review. As a minimum, the journal’s website must describe how the process ensures that reviewers are independent of the authors, i.e. not affiliated with the same institution.
ERIH PLUS requires that the members of the academic editorial board are listed, along with their affiliations with universities or other independent research institutions.
ERIH PLUS requires a valid ISSN code, confirmed by the International ISSN Portal. Be advised that journals with ISSN codes listed as “assigned to a publication but not yet confirmed” or “free ISSN” will not be processed.
ERIH PLUS requires that all original articles are accompanied by abstracts in English and/or another international language relevant for the field. As the ERIH PLUS team needs access to the abstracts in order to evaluate the journal, they should be available online. It is not sufficient that the journal’s author/submission guidelines refer to abstracts.
ERIH PLUS requires information on author affiliations for all scholarly articles for the last two years of publication, i.e. the full names of the respective universities or other independent research institutions. ERIH PLUS encourages journals also to include author addresses (either email or postal addresses).
ERIH PLUS requires that no more than two thirds of the authors published in the journal are from the same institution. The authorship of journals is determined by reviewing the last two years of published issues.
As ERIH PLUS encourages transparency the requested information must be available on the journal’s website. ERIH PLUS is a member of COPE and are aiming at following their standards.
We welcome the submission of all journals within the humanities and social sciences. However scientific publication channels even if published outside Europe but used by European scholars will be prioritized.
Before submitting a new journal to ERIH PLUS, please read the ERIH PLUS approval procedures.
Other evaluaton factors
In addition to the minimum criteria, which are absolute, we also look at other aspects of the journal which may play a part in the evaluation process.
Is the journal in other indexes?
Is the journal open access and registered in DOAJ and/or Sherpa/Romeo?
Does the journal have APC? If so, is it on the high or low end?
Does the journal have a Digital Identifier (like DOI) or is it a member of Crossref?
Who are the authors of the journal?
Publication history
Other formal aspects of academic publishing
Who is the journal intended for?