Suggest New Journal
is devoted in establishment of open access journals covering all disciplines of science and technology. We strongly encourage proposals and recommendations for new journals from you. If you would take pleasure to start a new open access journal on our platform, we will be happy to start working with you right away on the new journal. Please provide us the following information at: We will evaluate the proposal, and if the proposal is accepted, we will inform you shortly.
The following information should be included as part of a new journal proposal:
- Description of the new journal, Proposed title (a single name or several possible names), aims and scope, type of contents (e.g. review articles, research papers, tutorials, technical reports, case studies, research notes, letters, etc.), intended audiences and expected contributors.
- valid issn
- website if exist,we can build one for your journal
- Production and operation. Please suggest frequency of publication (issues per year), length of journal (articles per issue), length of papers (words per paper), and anticipated launch date.