Editorial Board

The Editorial Board ensures the editorial and scientific functioning of the journal, and also represents the qualified persons whose function is to manage it. It defines the editorial policy in conjunction with the scientific committee and ensures that all the disciplinary fields of Architecture, Urban Planning and Urban Professions, Earth and Universal Sciences, Science and Technology, Sociology and Urban Economics can be expressed within the journal.

The editorial board receives the texts (articles, notes, reviews, chronicles, etc.) and appoints two external referees for each article. In this capacity, it manages the entire evaluation procedure.

The Editorial Board meets once a quarter to review the evaluations in progress, the opinion of the Editorial Board may, if necessary, replace the opinions of the two rapporteurs when a dispute arises, and to define the thematic orientation and programming of future issues. In this respect, it collects proposals for thematic issues and/or dossiers that arrive at the journal and takes responsibility for sharing the direction of issues and/or dossiers with a third party when the project seems sufficiently interesting.

The Editorial Board is responsible for the proofreading and correction of all texts once they have been laid out. It also takes care of the online publication of the articles on the AJPS website.

The role of the Editorial Board of URBAN ART BIO, whose members serve a five-year term (renewable once), is to determine the editorial line and ensure the quality of the writing. At its two annual meetings, it appoints the scientific leaders of the annual calls for papers, ensures that the expert reviews are carried out properly and decides which articles to publish on the experts' indications.

The committee is composed of

Editor-in-chief of the journal URBAN ART BIO :

Dr Rofia ABADA ARZOUR1,2,3 

1Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Abdelhafid Boussouf University, Mila, Algeria

Email: r.abada@centre-univ-mila.dz

2 Cities and Health Laboratory, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Salah Boubnider University, Constantine 3. Algeria

3 Sustainable Cities and Built Environment Laboratory (VDEC), ENAU, Tunis

Guest Editor



University of Oum el Bouaghi. Algeria,  TU Berlin, Germany

Production Manager



University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene Algiers. Algeria.

Section Editor Articles



Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Faculty of architecture and Urbanism. Algeria.

Editor of the Reports section


Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Faculty of architecture and Urbanism. Algeria.

Editor of the reports and chronicles section



University of Oum el Bouaghi. Algeria, management and urban techniques Institute. Algeria.

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee is made up of Algerian and foreign scholars (Architecture, urban planning and city professions, Earth sciences and the universe, Science and Technology, sociology and urban economics, etc.) whose work enjoys international recognition. All of them have agreed not to simply play the role of emblematic figures, but to provide expert advice on the articles that the editorial committee may submit to them.

The scientific committee monitors the quality of scientific production and may, if necessary, be asked to evaluate the three annual issues; it acts as an arbitrator in the event of a discrepancy between two evaluations.

This committee is composed of :

Pr Patrizia INGALLINA, University of Paris Sorbonne - President International Network -INTACK. University of Paris IV Sorbonne. LaFrance.

Pr Belkacem LABII, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University, Cities and Health Laboratory. Algeria.

Pr Mohammed Boubezari, Architect, University of Humanities and Technologies of Lusófona, Portugal.

Pr Brahim BENYOUCEF, Expert consultant in urban planning and social sciences, Canada, Doctor in urban planning and development (Sorbonne University Paris IV). President of the Space and Society Observatory. Canada.

Pr Luc GWIAZDZINSKI, National Superior School of Architecture NSA, Toulouse, France.

Pr Farid ASMA, University Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.

Pr Sébastien BOURDIN, Deputy Dean of the Faculty & Lecturer in Economic Geography, HDR, Caen, Normandy, France.

Pr Kamal MOHAMMEDI, Applied numerical methods, multiphase flows, solar thermal energy and renewable energies, M'Hamed Bougara University of Boumérdes, Algeria.

Pr Kosoke MATSUBARA, Professor (School of Life and Environmental Sciences), Kyoto, Doctor of Engineering (Architecture), Japan.

Pr Smaine CHELLAT, University Mentouri Constantine 1, geology, geotechnical environment. Algeria.

Pr Aziz ABDULLA, Tikrit University, Department of Civil Engineering. Iraq.

Pr Mounsif IBNOUSSINA, Geology Geomaterials, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech - Morocco.

Prof. Christophe MEUNIER, certified exceptional class, University of Orléans, INSPE Centre Val de Loire, Laboratoire InTRu - University of Tours. Geography of representations, cultural geography. LaFrance.

Prof. Mohamed FOURA, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Algeria. 

Pr Amor BELHEDI, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Human & Social Sciences, University of Tunis. Member of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, Beit al-Hikma.

Pr Said MADANI, Professor, Department of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences, Ferhat Abbas University, Sétif 1, Director of the Urban Project, City and Territory Laboratory (PUViT).

Pr Amirouche BOUCHELAGHEM, Professor, Director of the Abdelahfid Boussouf University Centre, Mila.

Pr Daniela PITTALUGA, Professor, University of Genoa, Department of Architecture and Design. Italy.

Prof. MAHAMAT HEMCHI Hassane, Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l'Architecture et de l'Urbanisme; (EAMAU), Togo, Afrique.

Dr Ing Najem DHAHER, Professor of Urban Planning and Development. UR-VAD. Head of the Urbanism Department. National School of Architecture and Urban Planning - University of Carthage. Rue El Kodes - Sidi Bou Saïd - 2026, La Marsa - Tunis.

Pr Florent GOHOUROU, Double qualification Lecturer: CAMES & CNU (Section 23 - France). Specialities: Population geography - DD - Cartography & GIS. Teacher-researcher / UJLoG (Daloa - Ivory Coast).

Review Committee

It is made up of two experts, one internal and one external, chosen by the Editorial Board for each article. All researchers and teacher-researchers belonging to Algerian and foreign universities and/or members of the editorial or scientific committee or the reading committee of the scholarly journal URBAN ART BIO are represented as internal experts.

The external expert is chosen among the specialists of the theme treated by the article.

This committee is composed of :

Pr Abdelmadjid KADDOUR, University Professor, Director of Research, URAER, Ghardaïa.

Dr Asmae BOUAOUINATE, Hassan II University - Casablanca, Morocco, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences - Mohammedia, Department of Geography. Laboratory of Dynamics of Spaces and Societies

Dr Ratiba BAOUALI, Senior Lecturer, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, USTHB Algiers, Algeria.

Dr Laurent GEORGEAULT, Associate researcher, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

Dr Siham BESTANDJI, Senior Lecturer "A", HDR, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Salah Boubnider Constantine 3 University, Algeria.

Dr Zeinnedine GUENADEZ, Senior Lecturer "A", HDR, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Salah Boubnider University Constantine 3, Algeria.

Dr Mohsen BEN HADJ SALEM, Architect, with a mastery of the theories and techniques (recordings, capture) relating to sound environments, teacher-researcher, HDR, National School of Architecture and Urban Planning ENAU of Tunis, Tunisia.

Dr Mohamed SRIR, Architect-urban planner, teacher-researcher at EPAU Algiers, Algeria.

Dr Messaoud MOUDJARI, Senior Lecturer (Architecture, Urban Design and Environment), University of Algiers 1, Algeria.

Dr Adel BENHCINE, HDR, University of Tunis, Director of culture.com magazine ISSN number. Former member of the executive committee of the IGU network commission.

Dr Soumia BENTAHAR, Senior Lecturer B, teacher-researcher at Abdelhafid Boussouf University, Mila.

Dr Soufiane BOUKARTA, Senior Lecturer, sustainable architecture and urban planning, Saad Dahlab University, Blida, Algeria.

Dr Ouahiba BELHOCINE, Architect - Doctor in Architecture and Urbanism Research fields: Smart Cities, E-Governance, Living, Habitat, Housing, teacher-researcher at the University Abderahmane Mira Bejaia, Algeria.

Dr Radhwane BOUKELOUHA, a doctor in urban planning, Montreal Canada.

Dr Yasmina DRIS, Associate Professor, École nationale supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette.

Dr Hazar SOUISSI, Architect ENAU, Heritage Sciences, Carthage University, LARPA Laboratory. Tunis.

Dr Rafik BOUDJADJA, at the University of Oum el Bouaghi, Algeria, and a visiting researcher at the University of Berlin, Germany.

Dr Djedjiga BOUKHLEF KARED, a researcher in the research unit of renewable energies in the Sahara region, Adrar, Algeria.

Dr Abdelmadjid KADDOUR, CDER, Ghardaïa, Bioclimatic Architecture, Algeria. 

Dr Mohammed ADAOURI, National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria (INRAA). Division de Recherche en Productions Animales (DRPA).

Mr Aziz HAMDANI, teacher-researcher at the University of Science and Technology of Bab Ezouar, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria geosciences- GIS and cartography- environment- project management training, sustainable development.

Mr Djamel MERRAD, teacher-researcher, Architecture and Environment Laboratory, at the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism EPAU Algiers, qualified architect of classified sites and monuments since 2017. Algeria.

Dr Fethi KITCHAH, PhD, Senior Lecturer A, HDR, Department of Civil Engineering and Hydraulics, Institute of Sciences and Technologies, AbdelHafid Boussouf University Centre, Mila. Algeria.

Dr Khedidja BOUFENARA, PhD, HDR, Lecturer A, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Architecture, University Badji Mokhtar Annaba. Algeria.

Dr Yakoub BOULAROUK, HDR, lecturer A, mathematics, applied statistics, Abdelhafid Boussouf University, Mila, Algeria

Dr. Hosni Abderrahmane TALEB, FIMAS Laboratory, University of Bechar Algeria.